Thursday, November 3, 2016

KNJ - Week 4: Journaling Through the Seasons

(Cloud Identification & Weather)

-Read pages 63-71

We are entering Part 2 Of the KNJ book, and focusing on Journaling through the Seasons.

Let's dive into observing weather changes and learning more about cloud identifications during this delightful season!  For excellent tips in identifying the clouds,  please read the following lecture:  Cloud Identification   Also visit the Cloud Appreciation Society.  Their Facebook is located here:  The Nasa Website also has information and charts galore: Introduction to Clouds

Books that I have been reading along with KNJ that go into details about clouds are "The Cloudspotter's Guide" and "The Cloud Collectors' Handbook".  Both books are written by by Gavin Pretor-Pinney (Founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society).

As a weather reference, print out a copy of the Beaufort Scale to keep on one of the inside covers of your journal.  It is a good idea to include weather notes in your journal on a regular basis.


This week,  keep track of the clouds, the weather, the moon, and animal behavior during this season. create journal entries describing your experiencing of this in your area.  If you have a busy schedule, create more of a chart or graph with small sketches or mood color descriptions, and "write" about your experiences.  Here is an example (on left) of my experience with inspiration from reading Clare Leslie's "Drawn To Nature".   The example of cloud formations (on right) is from her book Nature Connections.  You can also see examples in the KNJ book on page 182, "Drawing the Weather".

 See the following examples below from Clare's Leslie's.  (Drawn to Nature)


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